Wednesday, July 08, 2009

She Don't Give a Damn What the Other Girls Say

Just saw two test prints of my portraiture work, 16" x 24", digital, on Museo Silver Rag paper. They were so awesome that I came home to re-retouch the files. Again.

Thanks, Brian.
Thanks, Ken.

No, no...
Stand back here.
I wish she was bigger, you know, like four feet tall.
How large do you think we can go with that?
We'll have to do another test.
I kind of want to meet her...
Is that digital?

Oh, and this here blog is exactly three years old.

Cover Star: Cover Star
Headlining Band: The Du


dfklldoind said...

Happy B-Day James Graham's Blog.


OH, the photo as well.

Lauren said...

museo silver rag, eh....hmmm, i'll have to check that out - when it comes to inkjet papers i'm partial to epsons gold fibre silk but like all good things, it'll probably become unavailable eventually...

Mockingbird Girl said...

Belated happy birfday jmg blog ;-)