Sunday, March 14, 2010


What month is it? When will it stop raining? When does the money come rolling in (hunh, Mark Arm)?

My stint at Late Night Feelings has come to an end (for now). I'd like to thank George, Chase, Tony, Merkley, Bob and Nathan personally. And Amanda too. And those guys that drew my WZRD!

Just an awesome experience.

Not only was there a feeling of camaraderie among six photographers whose work I really admire, there was an acceptance and appreciation felt (by me) about my meager contributions.

And I will never forget Chase's impersonation of George asking about the whole vampire thing...

Click here:

Onward. We've got books and parties to work on...

...and remember: she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Cover Star: Katy, from another angle
Headlining Band: Mark Fuckin' Eitzel

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