Friday, November 19, 2010

Dichotomy / Melancholy / Vanity

This is why I do not take photographs of live bands. Because I can't.

Or won't.

But I had fun trying.

The Patrick Salt Ryan benefit at Fontana's.

I had a camera to my eye for five straight hours. When I saw Patrick who was on crutches, about four hours into the event, he looked into my eyes and asked me if I was high. My left eye was completely bloodshot. Eyepiece damage is not a thing I'm used to.

All for a good cause.

But man, that borrowed camera and godlike lens aspect ratio is weird...

I am available for album covers. Wait, is there any such thing as an album cover anymore?

I feel the powder burns.

Cover Star: 09/27/2010
Headlining Band: The Afghan Whigs, Bowery Ballroom, 02/20/1999. I was there too.

James M. Graham, Website
James M. Graham, Tumblr
James M. Graham, Monograph

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