Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Scanning negatives is a very Zen sort of thing for me. When I’m scanning, I feel sort of like Iggy Pop must have felt when he talked about vacuuming being very Zen to him (in the early ‘90’s). I like doing dishes too.

But scanning, is the first step towards your final image. You get to make all sorts of creative decisions when you “see” your negative for the first time. And then once you make those decisions, they become the image. Or at least the beginning of it.

Fascinating. Relative. Artistic.

Sorta the same way you decide to detune the guitar and play the song that way (thank god I don’t have no bandmates).

The negative goes back into the sleeve and the retouching starts. And from there, it’s a free for all. Like the Nuge said. And I mean EXACTLY like that.

And then you see this. Naama's pants are silver...

1 comment:

gary griffin said...

"when in doubt, i whip it out...i got me a rock and roll band.
its a free-for-all."

sorry, james.
i'm a dork.
i read your archives for fun and inspiration.

happy '09!
