I know a couple or two...
There's a fine line between living and not. There's a fine line between making ends meet and not. There's a fine line between coping and not. There's a fine line between one and one's family. There's a fine line between being fine - and not.
I'm on the other side of the line. The other than not side. Things are happening. Strange things, but things, indeed.
Video documentary. Historic NYC House fashion shoot. Travel.
Note to self:
If it happens, I just might name my daughter "Melody."
It doesn't get any better than this.
Cover Star: The worst peacetime decision ever made
Headlining Band: Serge and his gorgeous strings and other genius things...
I think there is a huge spectrum between the way you see those scenarios. What do I know.
Those lines may be a bit blurred perhaps but Melody has a nice ring to it.
This made me smile for so many reasons.
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