Friday, October 13, 2006

Shit Fire and Save Matches

Three weeks. No need for matches anymore, save for the BBQ on the roof, being rained on soon to be snowed on.

Got a big box of CDs yesterday and am trying them out one by one. Been through two so far. The Hold Steady's "Boys and Girls in America" is ok. High expectations - sorta even keel results. But not bad. The second in the stack is The Twilight Singers' "Powder Burns."

Let's talk about Greg Dulli. Shall we?

I was a big Afghan Whigs fan. Saw them multiple times, last time in Providence, on Valentine's Day, 2000. Like Robert Pollard, do not try to outdrink or outdrug Mr. Dulli. He will smack you down in spades.

So - I bought all his post Whigs "I'm on my own and this is my new band - really - Twilight Singers" albums, and basically thought to myself, Greg's doing ok, he's just not writing shit that is as shit mighty as "Congregation." And really, who could?

"Powder Burns" is great. Not "Congregation" great, but what Mr. Dulli should be doing and doing well.

Dig it.

My sister is in town for the next few days for some seminar or something. I hung out with her and her friend tonight in the Marriot Marquee revolving bar thing in Times Square.

Martinis and 360 degree views of the most beautiful city in the world. Over and over again.

Not a bad thing.

I love my sister, and her friend was really cool.

Photo is of what happens at the end of a Demolition Derby. This one was August 2005, upstate New York.

It always ends in tears...

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