Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm Starting the "The Grifters" Reunion Chant...


Yep, I'm calling for it. Let's make it happen, Dave, Scott, Tripp and Stanley!

What the hell are you doing? RE-FORM THE GROUP!

I saw you three times and although those shows were AWESOME - NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

One of my favorite bands of all time from Memphis, can I get a witness?

Guys, come on!!!!

One more tour.

I did not take this picture. I stole it off the Internets.

But I would gladly and free of charge do the new album cover.




UPDATE: 11/14/07

A member of linked me into a forum that was populated by The Grifters bass player, none other than Tripp Lamkins.

Re: the Reunion:

They asked, he responded "s'not gonna happen."

Amognst other things.

I tried.

And to Tripp (& Co. from Crappity) -

I'm just a fan. And I really loved seeing you all go off.

I Really loved it.


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